Species Directory
Exploring 11 documented species
Conservation Status
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Barred Owl
Strix varia
Class: Birds
Least Concern Forests Woodlands
Black-faced Cuckooshrike
Coracina novaehollandiae
Class: Birds
Least Concern Forests Woodlands
Blue Jay
Cyanocitta cristata
Class: Birds
Least Concern Forests Woodlands
Carolina Wren
Thryothorus ludovicianus
Class: Birds
Least Concern Forests Woodlands
Great Horned Owl
Bubo virginianus
Class: Birds
Least Concern Forests Woodlands
Hooded Robin
Melanodryas cucullata
Class: Birds
Least Concern Forests Woodlands
Rose Robin
Petroica rosea
Class: Birds
Least Concern Forests Woodlands
Spotted Pardalote
Pardalotus punctatus
Class: Birds
Least Concern Forests Woodlands
Turkey Vulture
Cathartes aura
Class: Birds
Least Concern Forests Grasslands
Western Bluebird
Sialia americana
Class: Birds
Least Concern Forests Woodlands
Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo
Calyptorhynchus funereus
Class: Birds
Least Concern Forests Woodlands
Habitat Filters
Agricultural areas Agricultural fields Alpine meadows Arctic tundra Arid grasslands Backyards Bays Beaches Boreal forests Brackish wetlands Canyon walls Chaparral Cliffs Coastal areas Coastal dunes Coastal forests Coastal waters Coastal wetlands Coastal wetlands and bays Coniferous forests Dead trees Deciduous forests Desert scrub Deserts Dry forests Dry scrublands Estuaries Eucalyptus forests Fast-flowing rivers Forest edges Forests Forests and woodlands Freshwater lakes Freshwater lakes and rivers Freshwater marshes Freshwater ponds Freshwater wetlands Fruit orchards Gallery forest along rivers Garbage dumps Gardens Grasslands Grassy slopes Islands Isolated islands Lakes Mangrove forests Mangrove swamps Mangroves Marine habitats Marshes Mature forests Mixed forests Montane forest Mountainous forests Mountainous regions Mountains Mudflats Natural habitats Nesting boxes Oak woodlands Open fields Open forests Open grasslands Open habitats Open ocean Open woodlands Parks Pine-oak forests Ponds Prairies Primary tropical rainforest Riparian areas Rivers Rocky deserts Rocky outcroppings Rocky outcrops Rocky shores Sandy riverbanks Savannas Scrublands Seasonally flooded forest Secondary forest Semi-arid zones Semi-open habitats Shallow lakes Shrublands Slow-moving streams Streams Swamps Tree cavities Tropical forests Tropical savannas Tropical woodlands Tundra Tundras Urban areas Urban gardens Varied habitats Wetlands Woodlands
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