Colombian Red Howler
Alouatta seniculus
Least Concern
Geographic Distribution
Quick Facts
- Size
- 56 - 92 cm
- Weight
- 4 - 7 kg
- Diet
- Young leaves, Mature leaves, Fruits, Flowers, Seeds, Leaf buds
Primary tropical rainforestSecondary forestGallery forest along riversMontane forestSeasonally flooded forest
- Produces loud howling calls audible up to 5km away
- Males howl more frequently than females, especially at dawn
- Spends 60-80% of day resting and digesting leaves
- Forms stable social groups with hierarchical structure
- Shows strong territoriality through vocal displays
- Uses prehensile tail as extra limb while feeding
- Females provide primary care for infants
- Groups maintain cohesion through vocalizations and grooming